Thank you to the 190 nurses who attended this year’s amazing conference! We were approved to offer 6.8 contact hours and had an enjoyable day of learning, networking, and socializing. 

Missed the conference and want to hear the recording and obtain contact hours? Click here 

Contact us to sponsor a future event or the next OJNA Journal!

Do you have follow up questions from the conference? Email us at [email protected] 

The conference was wonderul! Thank you so much

Tara B., RN, OJNA

Thank you so much for today’s opportunity. I had a great time!. All of the participants were very nice …

Robby L. , Madison Programs

Just want to thank you so much for the opportunity to join you this morning. What a great group! Kol hakavod for all your efforts for this wonderful organization. It is very impressive.

Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman

Thank you for providing this opportunity for our students with exposure to a professional organization and the opportunity to network with experienced nurses.

Patricia Burke, PhD, Touro College

Just wanted to say the conference was amazing. Speakers were great- It ran very well and smooth and extremely professional. Very proud to be part of such a great group.

Nechama Z., RN, OJNA

So much fun to come and see so many people who I’ve had to do with at different points in my life! You did an amazing job.

Dena S., RN, OJNA

The conference was great and super interesting!

Esther W., RN, OJNA

Today was really great!!!! You guys did an awesome job. Really enjoyed the speeches, food, meeeting people- had such a nice time!!

Rivki N., RN, OJNA

Conference was terrific! So informative, professional and well run! Kol hakavod on a fantastic conference!

Chana R., RN, OJNA

Refund Policy: Requests for cancellation of conference registration must be made 14 days prior to the conference. A full refund will be provided. Requests within 14 days of the conference will not receive a refund.